Secret Origins
Start year:
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Secret Origins ran a total of four years and is most notable for explaining the post-Crisis origin of many DC Comics characters. While the series addressed many mainstream character origins, it also succeeded in bringing to light the back stories of more obscure DC characters such as Nightshade, Midnight and Doctor Occult. Secret Origins often put villains on center stage as well as heroes. Originally the series was 32 pages and was intended to explore the origins of one golden/silver age hero in one issue followed by a bronze/modern age hero in the next issue. Starting with #6 the series expanded to 48 pages covering both an older character and a new character. Several issues were dedicated to teams or theme-based characters. Starting with #45 the series became bi-monthly.

As writers continued to build on DC characters in the post-Crisis universe, many origins in this series were retconned over the following years. Captain Marvel, Power Girl and Hawkman are such examples.

Connected Volumes

  • Secret Origins Annual (3 issues)
  • Secret Origins Special (1 issue)

Collected Editions

  • Nightwing: Old Friends, New Enemies (#13) the origin of Nightwing.
  • Suicide Squad: Trial By Fire (#14)
  • Deadman Book Five (#15) the origin of Deadman.
  • Deadman Omnibus (#15)
  • Legends of Tomorrow: The Atom (#29)
  • Secret Origins of the World's Greatest Heroes (#32, #35, #36 and Secret Origins Annual #2) the origins of the Justice League of America in #32, Booster Gold and Martian Manhunter in #35, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) in #36 and the Flash (Barry Allen) in Annual #2.


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

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Authors in volume

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Teams in volume

Characters first appearance