
Captain America (2017)

Captain America
Start year:
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Ongoing series continuing from Captain America: Sam Wilson issue 24. After issue 25, the Marvel Legacy event starts, in which all of the issues of the previous volume's of Captain America are counted together, making the 26th issue the 695th in total. That issue is also the start of Steve Rogers regaining the identity of Captain America and tries to restore his reputation after the events of Secret Empire. After issue 704, the series is revamped with a new number 1 as Captain America Vol.9, but also has the Legacy numbering.

Collected Editions

  • Secret Empire (#25)
  • Captain America by Waid & Samnee: Home of the Brave (#695-700)
  • Captain America: Evolutions of a Living Legend (#695)
  • Captain America by Mark Waid: Promised Land (#701-704)

Non-U.S. Collected Editions

  • Captain America: Steve Rogers - Der Anschlag (#25) (German)
  • Avengers Collection: Captain America (#695-697) (German)
  • Captain America: Steve Rogers - Volumen 6 (#695-700) (German)
  • Captain America: Steve Rogers - Das gelobte Land (#700-704) (German)
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Note: The Sam Wilson: Captain America series is counted in the ongoing numbering, but the Steve Rogers: Captain America series is not. As such, that series stands on its own.


Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Story arcs in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Locations first appearance