Rise and Fall

The Rise and Fall is a Tie-In starring Green Arrow and Arsenal and guest-starring the Justice League. Following the disastrous events of Justice League: Cry for Justice, Lian Harper is dead, her father, Arsenal, has lost his arm and is in a comatose state. One person to blame: Prometheus. This story is all about the rise of Arsenal and the fall of the Emerald Archer, Green Arrow, who wants Prometheus to pay for his crimes, which is the destruction of Star City. He goes from hero to hunter and shoots Prometheus with an arrow in the head. He then seeks to find the Electrocutioner because he was involved in the destruction of Star City and the death of Lian. Olliver suffers greatly from this loss and seeks revenge. Although that feeling is legitime, he has lost his sense of Justice, and when Justice League members Hal Jordan and Wally West find out about the murder, they are shocked and distraught that one of their teammates want all about justice anymore. The Flash is more aggressive towards Olliver Queen than any other member of the JLA since all other members can try to understand his grief whilst the Flash is lost in his anger against a hero murdering a villain.

Collected Editions

  • Justice League: The Rise and Fall
  • Justice League of America: Team History

Non-U.S Editions

  • DC Premium #71
  • Justice League of America Sonderband #12 (German)


May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010




Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Disbanded in volume

Characters first appearance

Teams first appearance