
The Flash: Rebirth #2 (of 6)

Dead Run
July 1st, 2009
2 (of 6)
Dead Run
Cover date:
July 1st, 2009
Store date:
May 6th, 2009

What's happened to the Speed Force? One of the world's most powerful speedsters is dead, and Barry Allen must discover who – or what – is responsible! But the reborn Barry is a man haunted by a dark secret in his past. A secret that drives him to push far beyond his limits. A burden that, if he's not careful, could send him right back into oblivion! Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver's reinvention of the Scarlet Speedster picks up the pace – we dare you to keep up!

The issue opens with Lady Flash in the Balkan Mountains preforming rituals to contact Savitar, but lighting is produced and kills all of her followers. She then sees the event at the end of issue 1 in which Savitar dies accidentally at the hands of Barry Allen. The scene then switches to Hal talking to Barry while quarantining Savitar's remains, they conclude that Barry should go see Wally being that he knew of Savitar and Barry never did.

Barry first goes to Iris's house to find a police car in front, Barry then has a flash back of when he first met Iris. Also, it is revealed that even after his father's death in prison, Barry never gave up hope and still searched for his mother's killer. Barry then talks to police captain Frye and finds that, thanks to Wonder Woman's government connections, the public believes that Barry was gone all those years due to time he spent in the witness protection program. Barry then recieves a phone call from Wally, and learns of the "speed seizures" which occurred to many of DC's speedsters in issue 1 of the series.

Barry and Wally then race to Fallville, Iowa to investigate the lightning storm that occured there. Soon after, they dicover the remains of Black Flash. They are then attacked by Lady Flash, but the battle ends quickly when she dies the same way Savitar did when Barry touched her.

The issue ends with Wally looking in horror at the sight of Barry transforming in to the new Black Flash.

Characters in issue

Died in this issue

Locations in issue

Objects in issue


Part of story arcs

Teams in issue

Teams disbanded in issue

Characters first appearance