
The Flash #176 (of 350)

Death Stalks The Flash!
February 1st, 1968

The Flash #176 (of 350)

Death Stalks The Flash!
February 1st, 1968

176 (of 350)
Death Stalks The Flash!
Cover date:
February 1st, 1968
Store date:

“DEATH STALKS THE FLASH!” Iris gets sick and becomes delirious, and she fears for the life of the Flash while he uses his powers to go to a dream dimension. Professor Ira West goes to a memory workshop and encounters a crook who wants to find some buried loot.

Death Stalks The Flash!

Picture News reporter, Iris West, is deathly ill. When her husband, police forensics scientist, Barry Allen, overhears a police bulletin, he investigates, as the Flash. The police have surrounded escaped convict, Dan Bolton. The Flash moves in first, to prevent the loss of lives. After evading Bolton's hail of bullets, the Flash quickly puts Bolton down. Returning to his wife's bedside, the Flash, as Allen, learns that her condition has worsened.West has slipped into a coma. In her delirium, she cries out for the Flash to save himself from death.

When West's fever has still not broken by morning, Allen decides to take action, as the Flash. Moving at multi-light speed, the Flash literally runs into West's dream. There, in the eerie nightmare realm, the Flash sees himself being menaced by Death. Merging with his dream self, the Flash races away from Death. No matter how fast he runs, though, Death is ever on his heels. Changing tactics, the Flash imprisons Death behind a curtain of super-compressed air, but Death easily walks right through the barrier.

Fighting back, the Flash notices that Death shies away from one of his blows, before it ever connects. The Flash quickly discovers that at a certain vibratory rate, his fists give off light. Death seems to be recoiling from the light. Constantly changing his vibratory frequency, the Flash pummels Death with the entire color spectrum of light. Death is vanquished, but not before assuring the Flash that, one day, Death will catch up with him. Returning to the waking world, the Flash, as Allen, finds his wife's fever has broken, and she's well on her way to recovering.

"Professor West--Lost, Strayed, Or Stolen?"

Having grown weary of Professor Ira West's absent-minded shenanigans, police forensics scientist, Barry Allen, and his wife, Picture News reporter, Iris West, enroll the Professor in a memory enhancement class. The instructor, Doctor Binzo, has everyone in the class focus on trying to remember one forgotten thing. West focuses on a fellow classmate, certain that he's seen the man before. Outside, West's classmate approaches some shady looking characters on a bench. The man reports that he has failed to remember where he buried the stolen money, from a prior robbery.

West approaches the group and declares that he remembers where he knows the man from. While out on a walk, West had seen the man burying something, in the woods near Central University. The crooks ask West to accompany them to the exact spot. After digging up their lost loot, the crooks continue digging and widening the hole, to bury West. Still oblivious to his peril, or the true nature of the men he's accompanied, West blithely babbles on about how improved his memory has become. Worried over her father's long absence, Iris sends her husband out to look for West, as the Flash.

Following a signal in West's watch, placed there for just such a situation, the Flash catches up with West, just as the crooks are gunning him down. The Flash blows the bullets into a tree, then topples the tree over on the crooks. Back at home, the Allens quickly discover that they may have been better off before, when West's memory was so faulty. Now the old Professor won't cease rambling on about every single detail he can remember, about the minutia of his life.

Open The Door, Earthman!

This story was originally published in Mystery In Space #34 (October, 1956). A plot summary for this story can be found on that issue page.

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