


Ion was a native from the planet Imsk she was chosen as one of three finalists to representing Imsk in the group Legion of Super-Heroes.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Size Manipulation
  • Unarmed Combat


Ion was a character who had only one appearance in the DC Universe. She appeared in the pages of Legion of Super Heroes v.4 #66 (March 1995) and the storyline was titled "Membership Drive". She was created as a plot device with a twist and hence murdered by another character named Micro. Ion was created by Lee Moder.


Legion 2: Earth-247

The young woman who would be called Ion was at the time one of Imsk’s most formidable hand-to-hand fighters and would come to the attention of her worlds government. Shortly after the United Planets formation of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Imsk had a worldwide tryout to be they're representative. She was one of several athletic teenagers in the running and was chosen as one of three finalists to representing Imsk in the group. Adopting the code-name Ion, she competed against Shrinking Violet and Micro in a number of tests made specially to showcase their power to shrink to microscopic size.

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During the bout, Ion was murdered by Micro when he patted Ion on the back and simultaneously planted a Auraflux device which would later kill Ion. Since the evidence would not be detectable once the victim was killed, Micro thought he would easily defeat Violet in the remaining trials and never be caught. However he had undermined Violet who had suspected foul play. She noted that Ion seemed perfectly fine until the start of the competition.She uncovered the evidence by reviewing the halo-files and showing the Legionnaires. Violet defeated Micro and soon joined the Legionnaires and headed for Earth.

Since Ion was given full honors and laid to rest on Imsk as a brief but courageous teens to be Imsk's official representative in the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Physical Attibutes

Height: 5' 6" (normal)

Weight: 120 lbs. (normal)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Powers and abilities

As with all natives of the planet of Imsk, Ion had the ability to shrink to much smaller proportions. She could easily shrink all the way down to microscopic size, and can even achieve sub-atomic size when necessary. She employed her shrinking ability in a variety of effective ways, though the most common was that of stealth as it rendered her very difficult to detect by enemies.


March 1995



Died in issues


