
Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand (2006)

Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand (2006)

Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand
Start year:

Part of a set of new stories about the New Universe, told long after after the original New Universe comics folded.

The other new stories included backup stories in New Avengers 16 (featuring Kickers, Inc.), Amazing Fantasy 18 (featuring Merc), and Amazing Fantasy 19 (featuring Spitfire). Stand-alone comics included Untold Tales of the New Universe: Nightmask, Untold Tales of the New Universe: Justice, Untold Tales of the New Universe: D.P. 7, and Untold Tales of the New Universe: Psi-Force.

The spate of new Untold Tales were considered a lead-in to the short-lived re-imagining of the New Universe by Warren Ellis, called newuniversal.

Collected Editions

  • Star Brand: New Universe Volume 2
  • Untold Tales of the New Universe


Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Characters first appearance