Thor: Blood Oath
Start year:

Thor and the Warriors Three, as punishment for the alleged death of a giant's son, are forced to undergo an epic journey, with the mighty Mjolnir not being a factor. Thor and his loyal companions are forced to complete tasks of all variations, including: Volstagg taking on an overgrown Asgardian eagle in a drinking contest, the four trying to seize the formidable spear of Chulain, and Thor going toe-to-toe with Hercules himself!! This great tale also includes a special cameo from Absorbing Man, so be sure not to miss out on such a godly adventure!!

Collected Editions

  • Thor: Blood Oath
  • Thor: Ragnaroks
  • Thor vs. Hercules (#3-4)

Non-U.S. Collected Editions

  • Thor: Juramento De Sangre (Spanish)


Characters in volume

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Characters first appearance

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