New Excalibur
Start year:

Captain Britain brings together a new team of Excalibur after the events of House of M. The team faces threats such as: Black Air, Lionheart, Black Tom, and the Dark X-Men.

The series lasted until issue 24, after which it was continued in the mini-series X-Men: Die by the Sword, which it crossed over with the Exiles.

Collected Editions

  • Vol. 1: Defenders of the Realm (#1-6)
  • Vol. 2: Last Days of Camelot (#8-15)
  • Vol. 3: Battle for Eternity (#16-24)

Translated into Spanish.


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Story arcs in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Locations first appearance

Objects first appearance

Teams first appearance