
Heroic Age: One Month to Live (2010)

Heroic Age: One Month to Live (2010)

A story about a guy name Dennis who goes on a quest to live the last month of his life. Marvel takes you on a whole new look into it own Universe and through the eyes of a normal man and his goal to get the best out of his dying life.

Heroic Age: One Month to Live
Start year:

Dennis Sykes is a normal everyday guy that works for the local bank. After an altercation with a group of thugs, he is greatly injured, accelerating the cancer that consumes him while in turn giving him the powers to alter the matter composition of anything he touches. With only 1 Month 2 Live, Dennis must decide how he will leave a mark in this world with new found powers.

Collected in One Month To Live.

Translated into Spanish.


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance