Heroes for Hire
Start year:

Marvel's cosmic gurus Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning takes us to the streets of Marvel in this new series. Showcasing many of the former Marvel Knights in the grand tradition of Heroes For Hire, each hero or heroine must be ready when that call comes. "Hero, are you for hire tonight?"

The series lasted for 12 issues after which it continued in a one-shot named Spider-Island: Heroes For Hire and after that it was continued in Villains for Hire.

Collected Editions

  • Heroes for Hire: Control (#1-5)
  • Heroes for Hire by Abnett & Lanning: The Complete Collection (#1-12)
  • Fear Itself: Heroes for Hire (#6-12)

Non-U.S. Collected Editions

  • Héroes de Alquiler - ¿Buscas trabajo? (#1-5) (Spanish)
  • Héroes de Alquiler - Objetivo: Spiderman (#6-12) (Spanish)


Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Story arcs in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance