Bishop: The Last X-Man
Start year:

Bishop's first ongoing series. Mixing the genres of science-fiction and sword and sorcery with one of the X-Men's most popular characters, Marvel unleashes another a new monthly series sure to surprise and delight fans of fantasy!

The series was well received, but was canceled due to an editorial decision to produce less X-men related comics, in order to stop the overflow of X-men comics at the time. Among the cancelled comics were Mutant X, Gambit and Bishop: the Last X-man. The series was closed in a mini-series named Gambit & Bishop - Sons of the Atom.

Collected Editions

  • X-Men: Revolution by Chris Claremont Omnibus (#15-16)

Non-U.S. Collected Editions

  • Colección Extra Superhéroes #31 (#16) (Spanish)


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Story arcs in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance