Alpha Flight
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After the resurrection of most of the team members during Chaos War, Alpha Flight reformed, returning to work for the Canadian government once again. However, just as the team reform, the world is thrown into calamity due to Fear Itself, and after a beloved team members betrayal, the team is hunted down as terrorists, working against the very country they fight for.

Originally starting off as an 8 issue mini-series, due to critical acclaim and successful sales, Alpha Flight was upgraded to an ongoing title, starting from issue #4. Strangely, Alpha Flight was also, once again, downgraded to an 8 issue mini-series in the January 2012 Marvel soliciteds. The cliffhanger ending was continued almost 8 years later in the oneshot Alpha Flight: True North.

Collected in Alpha Flight by Pak and Van Lente.

Non-U.S. Collected Editions

  • Alpha Flight: Miedo encarnado: El orgullo de una naciĆ³n (Spanish)


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