The Wicked + The Divine
Start year:
The Wicked and The Divine

Forty-five issue series by writer Kieron Gillen and artist Jamie McKelvie about a world where numerous gods get reincarnated into young men and women every 90 years, known as "The Recurrence", but only live thereafter for two years. While they're on earth, these gods behave like pop stars thus are celebrated and worshiped like teen idols, but are also feared and hated by others.

Among these 12 young gods are Amaterasu, Baal, Baphomet, Inanna, Luci (aka Lucifer), Minerva, Sakhmet, Tara, and the Morrigan. Then there is a mysterious old lady called Ananke, the "God of Fate" and caretaker of the young gods, and Laura, a normal teenager who admires these young gods and would do everything to be one of them.

Collected Editions

Trade Paperbacks

  1. The Wicked + The Divine: The Faust Act (#1-5)
  2. The Wicked + The Divine: Fandemonium (#6-11)
  3. The Wicked + The Divine: Commercial Suicide (#12-17)
  4. The Wicked + The Divine: Rising Action (#18-22)
  5. The Wicked + The Divine: Imperial Phase Part 1 (#23-28)
  6. The Wicked + The Divine: Imperial Phase Part 2 (#29-33)
  7. The Wicked + The Divine: Mothering Invention (#34-39)
  8. The Wicked + The Divine: Old Is The New New (collects all six specials)
  9. The Wicked + The Divine: "Okay" (#40-45)

Deluxe Editions

The deluxe editions also contain all alternate covers, Making Of sections, and the Writer's Notes from Gillen's tumblr blog.

  • The Wicked + The Divine Volume One (#1-11)
  • The Wicked + The Divine Volume Two (#12-22)
  • The Wicked + The Divine Volume Three (#23-33)
  • The Wicked + The Divine Volume Four (#34-45 and all six specials)

Related Comics

  • The Wicked + The Divine: 1831, published after #22
  • The Wicked + The Divine: 455 AD, published after #28
  • The Wicked + The Divine: Christmas Annual, published after #33
  • The Wicked + The Divine: 1923, published after #33 and the Christmas Annual
  • The Wicked + The Divine: 1373 AD, published after #39
  • The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies, published after #39 and 1373 AD


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Story arcs in volume

Teams in volume

Disbanded in volume

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance