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The Chernobyl disaster opened a rift in reality that allowed two humanoid races who were in conflict, the Mineans and Dayaks, to enter the Earth.

Nevertheless, one faction of the government was aware of this war and tried to take advantage ot the situation. Meanwhile, the 2 protagonists, Andromeda Weaver, a geneticist working for the government and Lucien Barnes, an unscrupulous mercenary, are caught up in this conflict between the races, Lucien being transformed in the hero of Ascension.

Petra holds the pages, and Lucien and Andomeda find themselves caught in the middle.

Collected Editions

Prestige Format

  • Ascension Collected Editons Vol. 1 (#01-02)
  • Ascension Collected Editons Vol. 2 (#03-04)


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance

Locations first appearance

Teams first appearance