
Transformers Animated: The Arrival (2008)

Transformers Animated: The Arrival
Start year:

TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED series head writer Marty Isenberg and artist Dario Brizuela tell a tale of Detroit's favorite alien robots in Transformers Animated: Arrival. Based on the TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED series airing on Cartoon Network.

Collected in Transformers Animated: The Arrival TPB.

Issue #6 of the series was canceled on the basis that The Arrival edition of the story would have wound up being released before the toys were, thereby robbing the printing included with the toys of its promised-on-package exclusivity. It therefore instead came packaged in with the boxed set of Jetfire and Jetstorm from Hasbro's Transformers Animated toy line.

This issue has however been collected in the TPB with the rest of the series.


Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance