Start year:

Hate was written and illustrated by Peter Bagge it first published in 1990 and ran for 30 issues released on a quarterly schedule.

Hate is Buddy Bradley's from "The Bradley's" of Peter Bagge's Neat Stuff story. In the first 15 issues he lives in Seattle with his room mates Stinky and George, while finding love with Valerie then Lisa. Issues 16 onwards see Buddy and Lisa move back to the suburbs of New Jersey and reintroduces Buddy's family.

When asked if Buddy Bradley was an autobiographical character in an 1997 interview with Fantagraphics Peter Bagge answered "I used to tell people that he wasn’t. I mean, he is sort of a younger version of myself, but I think he’s a less well-adjusted version, as well as a more vocal, cantankerous version. One time a year or two ago a magazine asked me to answer a set of questions in Buddy’s voice. It wasn’t until I did this and realized that Buddy’s answers were exactly the same as they would have been if I answered them when I realized that, yes, I am Buddy Bradley!"

Hate was followed by Hate Annual published in 2000.

Collected Editions

  • Buddy Does Seattle (#1-15)
  • Buddy Does Jersey (#16-30)
  • The Complete Hate (#1-30)


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Characters first appearance

Locations first appearance