The Sandman
Start year:

The legendary tandem of writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby reunited for the first issue of the Sandman. Unlike the titular crime buster they regularly partnered for in Adventure Comics in the 1940s, this Sandman was the mythological master of the Dream Dimension. Aided by the nightmarish Brute and Glob, he protected young Joel Paulen and our reality from the computer brained menace General Electric. Despite issue #1's popularity, it would be Simon and Kirby's last collaboration. Initially a one-shot, Sandman continued (with Kirby art but other writers) with issue #2 being dated some 16 months after the opener. The series ended with #6, cover dated January 1976.

Collected Editions

  • The Sandman by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby (#1, World's Finest Comics #6-7, Adventure Comics #72-97 and #100-102)
  • The Jack Kirby Omnibus Vol. 2 (#1, 4-6)
  • DC Universe: The Bronze Age Omnibus by Jack Kirby (#1, 4-6 and the covers of #2 & #3)

These collected editions do not collect #2 & 3 because Jack Kirby wasn't involved with writing or with art duties besides providing the cover art for the series.


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance