The Man of Steel
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The hit John Byrne mini-series which detailed the Man of Steel's new origin following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths,and his meeting his various friends and enemies for the very first time.

In one of the boldest moves in comic book history, DC decided that its most famous icon was in need of a makeover. The idea was simple. Keep the core themes and elements of Superman's character that had made him popular with the readers throughout his published career, but trim around the edges by removing outdated concepts and sometimes preposterous situations. The result was a streamlined new Man of Steel that stayed true to the character's personality, but was tailor made for a modern audience.

In the 6 issue mini-series entitled, "Man of Steel", the mammoth task of remaking Superman fell to popular writer / artist John Byrne. Byrne was a life long Superman fan and an unbridled success in the comic book industry due to his heroic run on Marvel's "Uncanny X-Men," among other projects. He made his weighty challenge seem effortless as he fashioned his version of the Last Son of Krypton. Doing away with the ideas like Superboy and Krypto the Superdog, Byrne remade Krypton into a cold, sterile world, changed super villain Lex Luthor into a corrupt businessman, re-evaluated the relationship between Superman and Batman, and even re-examined Superman's first clash with Bizarro. The result was an overwhelming success, popular with fans both old and new. Superman had been reborn for the Modern Age of comics, and soon other icons of the DC Universe would follow suit.

Collected Editions

  • Superman: The Man of Steel (1986) (#1-6)
  • Superman: The Man of Steel (2003) Volume 1 (#1-6)
  • Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. 1 (#1-6)

Issues featured in other collections

  • Superman: the Greatest Stories Ever Told (#1 only)
  • Superman: World of Krypton (#1 only)
  • Lois & Clark, The New Adventures of Superman (#2 only)
  • Superman/Batman: the Greatest Stories Ever Told (#3 only)
  • Superman: They Saved Luthor's Brain (#4 only)
  • Superman Vs. Lex Luthor (#4 only)
  • Superman: Escape from Bizarro World (#5 only)
  • Secret Origins (#6 only)


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