The American Way
Start year:

During the Cold War and at the start of the Civil Rights movement, the United States deterred the Communist threat and won the hearts and minds of the people around the world with their superhero team, The Civil Defense Corps!

What the world doesn't know is that the team was created by the US government right after WWII, and that the gripping superhero battles were really staged.

A down on his luck car salesman gets offered a job at managing the PR of the team, and with the veil raised, he sees the fight as formulaic, sloppy, and the heroes becoming just plain lazy.

To reinvigorate the team, and to use the team's inspiration as a jumping tool for good, he introduces a new hero, The New American. With a rocket pack on his back, and the bravery and strength to do what's right, the New American is a modern man of the space age and America's greatest hero. And the New American is African-American.

Is America ready for this new hero, and more importantly for the social change?

Collected Editions

  • American Way
  • American Way: 10th Anniversary Edition


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Teams first appearance