Start year:

In Omac, writer/artist/editor Jack Kirby gave readers a glimpse of what he called "The World That is Coming!" It was a future world containing wild concepts that are almost frighteningly real today. Buddy Blank, a nondescript employee at Build-A-Friend factory Pseudo People Inc. was chosen by the Global Peace Agency to restore calm in a world that could not afford violence. Transformed into a super peacekeeper named OMAC (One Man Army Corps) by a sentient satellite, Blank destroyed Pseudo People Inc. - and his love, Lila, the "Build a friend" woman he was shocked to find was literally made for him. Kirby's futuristic adventure series ran for 8 issues.

Collected Editions

  • DC Universe: The Bronze Age Omnibus by Jack Kirby
  • Jack Kirby's OMAC: One Man Army Corps
  • OMAC: One Man Army Corps by Jack Kirby


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance

Locations first appearance

Teams first appearance