
Minor Miracles (2000)

Minor Miracles (2000)

Will Eisner tells tales of various miraculous occurrences on Dropsie Avenue. These stories help showcase Eisner's versatility as a creator and relate a little of what it was like to grow up jewish in the Bronx during the 1920s and 1930s.

Minor Miracles
Start year:

MINOR MIRACLES (2000) is a collection of four remembrances of apocryphal stories or "meinsas" that filled the air of the tenements and streets of Dropsie Avenue. The full title of this Eisner work is Minor Miracles: Long Ago and Once upon a Time Back When Uncles Were Heroic, Cousins Were Clever, and Miracles Happened on Every Block.

These are stories of outrageous fortune and unlucky coincidence that, like memories themselves, are subjective and often unreliable — but ultimately miraculous. Like the tall tales still told in neighborhoods everywhere, the stories in Minor Miracles provide people with something to share, something to cling to, and something to believe in.


Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume