JLA: Earth-2
Start year:

A one-shot graphic novel where the Crime Syndicate of Amerika from the anti-matter universe, and the Justice League clash in a no holds barred conflict.

Writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank Quitely brought the Crime Syndicate of America back to DC continuity in JLA: Earth 2. The Crime Syndicate was a twisted mirror image of the Justice League and had first appeared in Justice League of America #29 in August 1964. The group continued to cause trouble from its homeworld of Earth-3 until reality was destroyed in Crisis on Infinite Earths (1986). Post-crisis, a variation of the group had appeared in Summer 1992's Justice League Quarterly#8 but had very little to do with the original team - unlike Morrison's makeover.

Published as a graphic novel, JLA Earth 2 started with a heroic Alexander Luthor having escaped from the antimatter world ruled by the Crime Syndicate to the Earth of the JLA, wanting to enlist the JLA's help to free his home. Crossing over to the antimatter universe, the JLA hoped to inspire people to rise up against the Crime Syndicate. The Crime Syndicate's members were updated versions of the original 1964 incarnations: Ultraman (Lieutenant Clark Kent, an astronaut given amazing powers by aliens); Superwoman (a super-powered Lois Lane); Owlman (Thomas Wayne Jnr., son of Police Commissioner Thomas Wayne); Johnny Quick (a Flash-like speedster); and Power Ring (based on the Green Lantern). However, when the JLA moved to Earth 2, the Crime Syndicate found itself transported to the Earth of the JLA, to balance out the two realities. Morrison had fun with the premise of an antimatter Earth and its history, changing major events in the antimatter world. On the Earth of the Crime Syndicate, President Benedict Arnold had declared war on the British colonies when they had announced their independence from America in 1776, while the President lived in the Blackhouse. With the Crime Syndicate running amok on Earth, the JLA returned to stop them. However, the JLA realized it couldn't win on the antimatter Earth because in that reality evil always triumphed.

Collected in JLA by Grant Morrison Omnibus.

Translated into German.


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