The 1999 ongoing series Hourman, spun off from the DC One Million event, stars the android Hourman, the third hero with the name. Written in its entirety by Tom Peyer, the series features Hourman’s quest for humanity, with the helping hand of Justice League mascot Snapper Carr and his ex-wife Bethany Lee.

During the series, Hourman was at times members of both the Justice League and Justice Society, both of whom make appearances in the series. The series also features the exploration of the Hourman legacy, with the first Hourman Rex Tyler, his wife Wendi Tyler (nee Harris), and their son, the second Hourman Rick Tyler. In addition, the series sets up Amazo as Hourman’s arch-enemy, coming into conflict 11 of the 25 issues of the series. The issue also stars Snapper Carr, and fills us in on pieces of his past. We relive a post- Crisis telling of the betrayal of the Justice League, as well as the story of how he left the Blasters and how he lost his ability to teleport.

Tony Bedard served as the editor for the entirety of the series, with artist Rags Morales serving as penciller for all but one of the series’ issues.

Wizard Magazine released a preview of this series entitled Wizard Presents: The Making of Hourman. This was packaged as an extra in the Wizard’s JLA Special Edition. In this, we get to see Rags Morales’ design concepts when asked to redesign Hourman from his DC One Million appearances. We also see unused designs for Bethany Lee and an updated Snapper Carr. In addition, Scott Brick reports on the creative decisions behind the series, with interviews with Peyer, Morales, Bedard, and DC group editor Dan Raspler.


Issue 22 is reprinted in DC Comics Presents: Batman Irresistible #1 - 100-Page Spectacular


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