
Enemy Ace: War Idyll (1990)

Enemy Ace: War Idyll (1990)

A beautifully written and painted (Both by George Pratt) straight to hardcover (then later softcover) graphic novel that shows an aged Hans Von Hammer telling his story to a curious reporter that has dipped his feet in the horrors of a more modern war himself. Deep and poignant. This tale shows us that life is something worth fighting for even if we need help finding the right motivation to do so...

Enemy Ace: War Idyll
Start year:

Graphic Novel from acclaimed painter George Pratt telling the story of Hans Von Hammer's (Enemy Ace) memoirs given to a Vietnam War journalist after having died in 1969. 
The OGN was nominated for a Harvey Award and an Eisner Award and won a France Info Award and British Speak Easy Award. The original hardcover was released in 1990 and a softcover in 1991, plus a limited edition hardcover and a Warner Books edition.


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