Death of the New Gods
Start year:

Writer and artist Jim Starlin helmed this eight issue series as a mysterious force brought destruction to the inhabitants of the Fourth World. The first issue opened with the death of the Black Racer,and ended with the death of Big Barda, Mr. Miracle's wife. Over the course of the series, all the New Gods met their end. The eventual killer was revealed to be The Source (a mysterious energy predating the New Gods), which sought to bring about a fifth World. By the end of the series, even Darkseid had apparently been killed, and both Apokolips and New Genesis merged into one world. Darkseid's final destiny was seemingly revealed in "Final Crisis."

Collected Editions

  • Death of the New Gods
  • Superman vs. Darkseid (#3)


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

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Teams in volume

Disbanded in volume