Start year:

Daytripper is a comic book series from Vertigo that focuses on the life of Bras de Oliva Domingos at different ages in his life. Each issue deals with a separate issue in life, ranging from being overshadowed by the work of his parents to the birth of his first child, and how precious each of these moments are in one's life. Unfortunately, Bras never gets to enjoy those moments, as the series runs a gimmick that features Bras de Oliva Domingos dying at the end of each issue.

Most commonly, Bras de Oliva Domingos is portrayed as a writer of some sort, mainly an obituarist but occasionally as an author of books. From issue to issue, other characters that have shown up in previous issues will appear in the issue directly following it as some role in Bras' life.

Each issue's chapter is numbered by the age of Bras in the specific issue (issue #1 is 32, issue #2 is 21, etc)

Issue Breakdown

  • Chapter One: 32 - Bras is an obituary writer whose work is constantly overshadowed by his father. After being invited to a celebration for his father's latest work, he goes to a bar for a drink.
  • Chapter Two: 21 - Taking a break in rural Brazil with his friend Jorge, Bras meets a girl whom he has a fling with.
  • Chapter Three: 28 - After his girlfriend leaves him, Bras is left to wonder how he will go on with his life without love...until he catches a glimpse of "love at first sight".
  • Chapter Four: 41 - Bras' wife is going into labor and about to give birth to their first child. Unfortunately, the news is offset by the death of Bras' father.
  • Chapter Five: 11 - A look into the innocence of youth, Bras is 11-years-old and just trying to enjoy life when he experiences his first kiss.
  • Chapter Six: 33 - A tragic plane accident leads obituarist Bras stunned as he has to write a staggering number of obituaries, one of which could be his friend Jorge.
  • Chapter Seven: 38 - Now a famous author, Bras receives a postcard from Jorge, who is in Rio de Janiero. The urgency sends Bras on a mission to find his friend.
  • Chapter Eight: 47 - Life can be hard for a man on the road, but what trials does Bras' absence from home cause his wife and child?
  • Chapter Nine: Dream - Bras is having one of those days that feels like forever, lost in his dreams and missing from reality. The question remains - will he ever wake up?
  • Chapter Ten: 76 - As Bras leaves the hospital, refusing any more treatment for his cancer, he bestows upon us the lessons he's learned with his life.

Collected Editions

  • Absolute Daytripper (#1-10)
  • Daytripper (#1-10)


Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Characters first appearance