
Justice Force

Justice Force

Mirage comics super-hero team, they are now retired from crimefighting

Justice Force


The Justice Force first appeared in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles volume 1 #15 story "Dome Doom" in which they joined forces with the TMNT and Casey Jones to foil an evil plot by one of their former members Dr. Dome.

Years later (in TMNT Volume 4), after being struck by a bus, Michelangelo awakes in an ambulance and tries to escape - only to find that it's a flying ambulance! A winged super hero, Raptarr, comes to his rescue and he's taken to a special super-hero hospital where he meets an old friend: Zippy, a retired member of the Justice Force who explains the existence and reasons for the Kurtzberg Memorial Hospital, and it's care for super heroes.

Retired Justice Force members, Stainless Steel Steve and Metal Head where on hand visiting Splinter, who lived near them in the Jones' farm house, in Northampton, Massachusetts. Along with Splinter and Shadow, they where able to witness the stunning arrival of the Utroms, who had decided to make official contact with Earth.

Sometime after Shadow left to meet up with her father and April, Steve and Metal Head where faced with an altercation involving Shadow's new boyfriend. Metal Head found the boy, aiming a hunting rifle - with Master Splinter in his sights. Metal Head captured the boy, where he was interrogated. The young man claimed to be curious about Shadow's family, and why she was always avoiding having him meet them. He claims he was using the gun scope on his rifle while hunting, having found he had wandered near the farm. Stainless Steel Steve found this story suspect, even though Splinter defended the young man - saying that he could see how his curiosity could have been piqued. To cover their bases, Steve called for an old colleague to come and help them. Lou Braunze, a mind reader, was able to arrive at the farm by motorcycle in record time by clouding the minds of state troopers. (Whether Brauze was a former member of the Justice Force is unknown.) Using his abilities, Braunze looks into the young man's mind. His story seemingly checks out; so his memory is wiped, and he is put back near the forest where Metal Head found him - with the impression that it had all been a dream.

Members of the Justice Force attended to funeral of Master Splinter, who had died very recently.

In 2003 the team would resurface with a brand new roster for the TMNT animated series episode arc "Blast from the Past", the only original comic book members still in the group were the robot Metal Head and Ananda, the rest of the new team consisted of Nobody, Raptarr, Michaelangelo and Raphael (calling themselves Turtle Titan and Green Mantle while members of the JF) and a few other characters who have thus far only appeared in the animated series and video games and not the comics. The original Justice Force now retired much like in the original comic also appeared in this episode, with the exception of Captain Deadbolt.

Original Team:

Stainless Steel Steve

Joey Lastic

Zippy Lad

Metal Head

Dr. Dome

Battling Bernice

Captain Deadbolt

2003/Current Team:

Ananda (Battling Bernice II)

Metal Head






Turtle Titan (Michaelangelo)

Green Mantle (Raphael)



August 1988

February 2006



