
X-Nation 2099

X-Nation 2099

A team of young mutants assembled in Halo City by Cerebra and Morphine Somers of the 2099 incarnation of the X-Men in hope to find a mutant messiah as foretold by Doctor Doom.

X-Nation 2099


The series X-Nation first appeared in the published works by Marvel Comics in March of 1996. It was drawn by Humberto Ramos and written by Tom Peyer. The series only lasted 6 issues before cancelation.


When Cerebra of the X-Men in the year 2099 had been told by Doom that he felt a mutant would appear and be a messiah to all the mutants in that time due to a prophecy he had heard. Cerebra chose to leave the X-Men and went to Halo City to use as a base while she searched and collected mutants who might very well be the messiah they were looking for. She began to train the children in many classes and even provided them with anger management and originally intended to have her former teammate Xian Chi Xan to help her in their training, but he decided to turn down her offer.

New generation of mutants 2099
New generation of mutants 2099

The group is cared for by the Sisterhood of the Howling Commandos. They made their home in the Xavier home for Indigent Children and they tend to go to Milk bars where milk has known become a narcotic. The group would often battle many a villain and sneak out from the base. Such as when the villain Avian kidnapped Willow and the group mounted a rescue. Soon however X-Nation would be on the break of destruction as due to the New Atlantean assault their home was flooded and the Sisterhood died.

However, some time the later the powerful mutant Exodus returned and captured the young mutants for himself. He tried to make them his Acolytes but had to defeat the teens when they refused. Like many they relocated to the Savage Land as a home, but soon even more disaster struck as the Planet became attacked by the Phalanax. Both Wulff and Uproar took part in the battle along with Spider-man while the others remained. Also, Nostromo was taken by the Phalanax but due to Doom he was freed from their control and used to implodent a virus into their systems. He then made Nostromo ruler of Latveria after Doom gave his life to stop the threat.


January 1996

March 1996

April 1996

May 1996

June 1996

July 1996

August 1996

September 1996

October 1996

December 1996

January 1997

February 1997

March 1997

April 1997

March 1998

August 2010







