
The Twelve

The Twelve

A group of powerful mutants supposed to bring down Apocaplypse. In fact it was a ruse orchestrated by Apocalypse himself in order to use their powers to transform him into a godlike entity.

The Twelve

It was written in Destiny's Diaries "The Twelve Will Gather in the Darkest Hour"

The flame of the rising sun.

- Sunfire (fire powers and the "rising sun" of Japan)

A cold soldier returned to his family.

- Iceman (ice powers, had also recently quit the X-Men to be with his father)

A goddess recently returned from the stars.

- Storm (weather goddess)

A father of many futures connected to a greater evil.

- Cyclops (having children such as Cable and also from the Askani timeline)

A childless mother who rose from the deep.

- Jean Grey (having no children, rose as the Phoenix)

A son of a world that may never be, spawned by a sinister plan.

- Cable (Cyclops' son from the future)

A man whose mind is his greatest ally and greatest enemy.

- Professor X (this all happened right after the Onslaught crossover)

The ruler of a world gone mad, now free of demons.

- Mikhail Rasputin (was ruler of The Hill, and alternate dimension where only the strong were allowed to survive)

A man out of time with no real future.

- Bishop (trapped in the past, unknown whether his future will exist)

A North Pole ravaged by a failing spirit, lonely half of a greater whole.

- Polaris (had been posing as Magneto)

A South Pole, weaker than believed and the heart of an empire.

- Magneto (powerless ruler of mutant nation Genosha)

A ravaged planet, worshipped by the sands of time.

- Living Monolith (keeper of the sands of time)

A thirteenth will fall from the sky… The Chosen will know the scars of Apocalypse.

- Nate Grey (sent to Earth-616 from Age of Apocalypse, he knows Apocalypse from his reality)


September 1999

January 2000

February 2000





