
The Six

The Six

The Six is a team of mutants under S.W.O.R.D. whose complementary powers are used for universal and multiversal retrieval operations.

The Six

The Six is a two-pronged team of mutants operating under S.W.O.R.D., Krakoa's new mutant space program.

Through "mutant technology," powers of these mutants work in concert to perform universal and multiversal retrieval efforts. Each member of the team has a specific position, with a back-up mutant ready to take up their position if they no longer are able to complete their duties.

First Circuit

The Second Circuit is supported by 5 additional teleporters who assist Manifold in transporting them to their destination. Currently, these five teleporters are Amelia Voght, Blink, Gateway, Lila Cheney, and Vanisher.

Second Circuit

Wiz Kid, a.k.a. The Control, uses his technopathic abilities to align and adjust the powers of the mutants on the team. Forge is listed as Wiz Kid's backup.

Fabian Cortez, a.k.a The Power, uses his power of enhancing and augmenting the powers of other mutants, to boost the power levels needed for the operation.

Armor, a.k.a. The Shield, uses her psionic exoskeleton to protect her teammates when on missions. Her backup is listed as Skids.

Manifold, a.k.a. The Guide, is the teams "Quintician" and teleports the team to their desired location.

Peepers, a.k.a. The Eye, uses his broad-spectrum eyesight to locate their asset. Doc is listed as Peeper's backup.

Risque, a.k.a. The Foundry, uses her implosive matter-controlling powers to condense the team's asset for retrieval. Her backup is listed as Xorn.


February 2021



