
The Six

The Six

The Six were a splinter group of X-Men and X-Factor. The group, led by Havok and Marvel Woman, battled foes such as Onslaught and Mr Sinister and faced constant threat from the Goblin Force - the evil counterpart to the Phoenix Force.

The Six

The Six were formed by Alex Summers (Havok) and his wife Madelyne Pryor and their allies the Fallen, Bloodstorm, Brute and Iceman. Alex Summers would eventually be replaced by his 616 counterpart and soon after Madelyne Pyror would be overcome by the Goblyn Queen. The Goblyn Queen tried to take over the world but was stopped by Havok of 616 and the X-Men.

The team managed to overcome this incident and under the leadership of Alex Summers of 616 became a force to be reckoned with. During this time they battled the insane Professor X and Mr Sinister. They were even joined by by some new members during this time such as the avenger Captain America, the vampire Gambit and the long believed dead Jean Grey. Captain America however did not last long and later died and destroyed part on the Moon.

Soon after the Beyonder would attack the earth. The Six engaged him along with Earth's heroes but were decimated by the Beyonder and his ally Dracula. Of the Six, Jean Grey was their only fatality but the X-Men, Thor Corps and Defenders were all wiped out. Havok managed to defeat the Beyonder and found out it was actually the Goblyn Queen in disguise. Havok managed to defeat the Goblyn Queen and set Madelyne Pyror free. After the defeat of the Beyonder, Havok disappeared, and its unknown if the remaining members of the Six reformed the group.


October 1998

November 1998

December 1998

January 1999

February 1999

March 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

July 1999

August 1999

September 1999

December 1999

January 2000

February 2000

April 2000

May 2000

June 2000

July 2000

August 2000

September 2000

October 2000

November 2000

December 2000

January 2001

February 2001

March 2001

April 2001







