
The Seekers

The Seekers

The Seekers are three former AIM agents that went freelance and became high-tech bounty hunters.

The Seekers


Seek and Destroy!!
Seek and Destroy!!
The Seekers are three former AIM agents that went freelance and created robotic suits for themselves. The team consist of Grasp, Sonic and Chain. They find out that their is a bounty for Spider Woman because she is wanted by the government after she helped the Avengers break out of the Vault. An informant named Scratch tells Chain the location of Spider Woman after she prevented a major accident at a local construction site in Denver, Colorado. Meanwhile Iron Man located Spider Woman because he was able to trace her energy residue from her psionic webs. Iron Man tells Spider Woman that the Avengers owe her a great debt and will try to help her anyway possible. All Spider Woman wants to do is see her daughter Rachel and is conflicted whether to turn herself in or live as a fugitive. Iron Man decides to help her with her daughter's situation and tells Spider Woman he will be back.

 Iron Man meets the Seekers.
 Iron Man meets the Seekers.
After Iron Man leaves, the Seekers find Spider Woman and try to capture her. Grasps nicks Spider Woman with his shock-net and starts a small brush fire. He then clamps her leg with one of his electro-gauntlets that detach from his suit. She is suddenly surrounded by Chain and Sonic when Iron Man appears. Spider Woman manages to remove the gauntlet from her leg and takes out Chain when she tosses him to the ground and smashes his chest. Sonic knocks Iron Man out of the air with his sound cannon and deploys a mechanical crab from his suit. The crab attaches itself to Iron Man's chest plate and hits him with a surge of energy. The pain is unbearable but Iron Man focuses his pulse bolts on the crab and destroys it. He then takes out Sonic with his concussion beam. Grasp sees his two comrades down and tries to escape. He is suddenly caught by Spider Woman's psionic webs and forced to take his armor off. The Seekers were let go by Iron Man and Spider Woman decides to turn herself in after she sees her daughter asleep at home.  


The Seekers were created by Danny Fingeroth and Tom Morgan in 1987 and first appeared in Iron Man # 214.  

Story Arcs

The Seekers later came into conflict with the Human Torch and Rusty Collins. Grasp's son named Ted Bannion committed suicide by setting himself on fire and Grasp blamed his son's death on the Human Torch. The Seekers confronted Johnny Storm and Rusty Collins at a New York park. A fight occurred but Rusty Collins managed to defeat all three Seekers with his mutant fire abilities.

 Upgraded Seekers!
 Upgraded Seekers!
The Seekers were also hired by the Secret Empire to provide reinforcements for Midnight where they battle Spider Man, Punisher, Moon Knight and Night Thrasher during the Round Robin: The Sidekick's Revenge storyline. They had some armor upgrades provided by the Secret Empire but they were ultimately defeated by the heroes. 
The Seekers appear with two new members named Fireball and Laserworks after Grasp left the group. These four members of the Seekers are hired to capture Venom so they can synthesize the symbiote and learn more about it. The Seekers find Venom in a fight with Darkhawk in San Francisco and capture him. Eddie Brock is held captive inside a laser cage created by Laserwork while the rest of the Seekers finish off Darkhawk. However Darkhawk would take down Fireball, Chain and Sonic with a wide-angle force blast while Venom manages to escape during the distraction. The Seekers are defeated and fail to complete their mission. 
The Seekers are later hired as armored muscle by the West Coast Power Brokers involving a transaction of several crystals and millions of dollars. A man named Flynn took mental control of the Metahumes and brought them to the Reboy Plastics Factory where the transaction was suppose to take place. Flynn tried to take mental control of a man named Carlson who had the money but failed. Carlson planned to double cross Flynn with the help of the Seekers but they are easily defeated by the Metahumes. 


January 1987

April 1987

July 1990

December 1991

January 1992

August 1992

January 1994

February 1994

February 1995

May 2022











