
The New Immortals

The New Immortals

Created by the High Evolutionary as a race of Gods.

The New Immortals


when Thor  shaved his head and beard while at Wundagore mountain, it introduced a world of permissibility for the scientific mind of the high evolutionary. With these genetic samples of an Asgardian God  he planned to create a new race of godlike beings.
The first experiment was a basic clone of  Thor  dubbed Nobilus 
After this experiment produced a highly mentally unstable godling he refined his research and but was found by  a creature who he would turn into the Recorder . With a new vat of knowledge and seeping with Thors genes he created a perfect godling in Zon . Still not satisfied he went on to create Juvan . 
The last of the group would be Count Tagar  who had served the 
High Evolutionary  for years he immersed himself in the genetic vat and himself became a new immortal. 


They would travel the universe in the ship new Wundagore The group would face Thor in battle, later ego the living planet, nurse the High Evolutionary  back to health and finally rebel, relocate to new Orion and be placed in stasis aboard Wundagore 3.

Shared abilities

all are virtually unkillable by terrestrial norm and are as durable as Asgardians. They are also genetic relatives of Thor.


August 1990

September 1990

October 1990

May 1992

June 1992

August 1992

April 1994

January 1995

February 1995

June 2011



