
The Lucky Seven

The Lucky Seven

A group of 7 young unique geniuses that comprise a think tank employed by Horizon labs. Together and/or separately they create inventions or other scientific breakthroughs.

The Lucky Seven

The Lucky Seven include Peter Parker, Bella Fishbach, Uatu Jackson, Grady Scraps, Sajani Jaffrey, as well as a mysterious member that wishes to remain anonymous, known only as number 6. Max Modell is their employer, and fellow genius, is the head/owner of Horizon. In the wake of Spider Island number 6 has been revealed to be the genetic scientist and "Living Vampire" Michael Morbius.

Spider Island

Horizon Labs becomes the command center for those trying to understand and cure the Spider Island plague. The Seven (minus Peter) are being assisted by Mr. Fantastic and multiple Avengers and New Avengers. Though several members are infected with the plague and enjoy their new found abilities they still contribute to the cure effort. The collaboration reveals that the plague only infects those people that don't have or ever had super powers. In order to prevent the infection from spreading to those still uninfected within Horizon Mr. Fantastic and the seven create an inoculation by giving said occupants the ability to find North. Horizon also devises a plan to keep all those infected within the quarantine zone by using Peters design for a "spider sense" inhibitor and creating multiple jamming towers throughout the city. While working in tandem with Project Rebirth and Agent Venom they attempt to use Eddie Brock a.k.a Anti-Venom as a base for a cure. After Venom "delivers" Anti-Venom, he is told that he is the only hope of a cure and using his symbiote's anti-bodies are the only chance but in doing so he will never be Anti-Venom again Brock agrees believing it his his destiny and way to salvation.

In a secluded area of Horizon Labs Eddie Brock is held and slowly drained of his symbiote. His suits anti-bodies are held in a large vat in order to be transformed into a vaccine. Here is where we first me the mysterious number 6. While Grady and Bella visit Brock they meet 6 who, while wearing a hazmat suit, asks them to leave in order to proceed alone. Using his DNA recognition it is revealed Morbius is number 6 and the creator of the technology containing Brock and his alien anti-bodies. Sajani Jaffery volunteers to become a guinea pig for Mr. Fantastic and is the first to be administered the cure. Moments before receiving the vaccine The Queen forces her to transform but Spider-Woman and Mr.Fantastic restrain her and give her the injection. Through this act Mr. Fantastic realizes this virus is more than it seems because Sajani wasn't due to transform for hours. While all this transpired every Horizon employee was recruited to create a way to restore Spider-Man's spider sense after Julia Carpenter, the new Madame Web, revealed he had lost it and their jamming units had cut her off from the life web.


January 2011

March 2011

May 2011

June 2011

August 2011

September 2011

October 2011

November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

April 2012

May 2012

June 2012

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013






