
The Blasphemy Cartel

The Blasphemy Cartel

The Blasphemy Cartel is a terrorist/criminal group that uses magic-based weaponry.

The Blasphemy Cartel
  • Bravo Charlie
First issue:


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Much in the same way that the KGB turned into a mafia after the fall of the Soviet Union, the fall of SHIELD led the paranormal division, WAND, to turn to organized crime as The Blasphemy Cartel, specifically the subdivision, Bravo Charlie. They had been testing a blockchain digital spell inspired by Tibetan prayer wheels that they used during the fall of SHIELD to erase the memory of WAND from the world's memory. This also required the WAND agent who would later be known as Director None to sacrifice his identity completely.


The Blasphemy Cartel debuted in Strange #1 by Jed MacKay and Marcelo Ferreira, but it wouldn't be confirmed as formerly WAND until Strange #6

Major Story Arcs

The Revenants

As part of their black market protection, Director None was raising dead superheroes as a enslaved revenants. These resurrections were considered disrespectful by Death, who chose the late Doctor Strange as her Harvestman to take them out, in exchange for his life back. The cartel was forced to pull out their big guns when they raised Sentry, powered by ten million ghosts.

His power was too much for Strange and Clea. The sorcerer supreme duo were forced to combine their might into a single and force the ghosts out of Sentry. This caused an explosion that took out the cartel's headquarters and seemingly all members of the cartel.


May 2022

July 2022

September 2022

October 2022

December 2022

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

April 2024




Disbanded in issues

