
Project: Communion

Project: Communion

Inhuman children that Hawkeyes, Clint and Kate, felt responsible for

Project: Communion

These Inhuman children were from an orphange in Boston when the Terrigen Cloud passed through giving them hive-mind telekinetic abilities. They were dubbed Project: Communion, a secret weapon cache that Clint Barton and Kate Bishop were sent to retrieve for SHIELD. The two Hawkeyes tried taking custody of them after learning they were actually children, but they proved too powerful for them to take care of. They ended up surrendering them to SHIELD.

Later, Clint has a change of heart and sets a plan in motion where Kate and Clint's brother, Barney, would pose as Hydra goons and kidnap the children from SHIELD. Meanwhile, Clint got on the rescue team where he ultimately faked the death of the children so Maria Hill would stop looking for them.

Currently, the 3 kids live with Barney and his family on his personal island.

However, in one possible future where the Hawkeyes don't rescue the children, Kate and Clint reunite after 30 years to save them from SHIELD. However, Maria kills them rather then losing them due to how dangerous they are.


May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

September 2015

November 2015

January 2016

March 2016

May 2016

June 2016




