
People's Protectorate

People's Protectorate

Powerful superhero team known for saving reality and earth multiple times.

People's Protectorate


The People's Protectorate are a powerful group of superheroes that have frequently saved the Earth and reality itself multiple times. Nightfighter, Thor, Citydweller, Nicola Zeitgeist, White Bird and Professor X and Technocrat constituting the teams roster. The Protectorate exist to protect, when things need protection. They operate out of a subspace location known as the Foldcastle which grants them to be anywhere they need at a moments notice. Despite the teams track record and success, they eventually come across the being Qabiri, an immensely powerful being from the Shining City, a higher plane of existence. Qabiri is on a mission to cleanse the multiverse of darkness and corruption and he has targeted the Earth of the Protectorate to destroy. After Qabiri arrives he hovers over New York city observing. Some human civilians wonder if he is some sort of angel, but the destructive purpose of Qabiri would assert itself as he would set the entire city alight killing all its inhabitants. Citydweller, Nightfighter, White Bird and Technocrat would be the first on scene to confront Qabiri, but their attempts to subdue him would fail.

The powerhouses and most powerful members of the Protectorate Thor, Zeitgeist and Nate Xavier would arrive. Qabiri would leave suddenly, confusing the Protectorate, but Thor and the Professor would follow. Unfortunately they would be killed by Qabiri as he identified Professor and Nicola Zeitgeist as capable of traveling dimensions.


The People's Protectorate are a Marvel comics published team, created by Steven Grant, Warren Ellis and Ariel Olivetti. The Peoples Protectorate bare an uncanny resemblance to Wildstorm comics Authority team and book, with each member being a parallel of an Authority team character. Given that Warren Ellis created many of both and was involved in both teams creations, the parallels aren't as unoriginal as one could accuse the characters of being. The analogues of character exist as follows. Nightfighter and Midnighter, Thor to Apollo, Professor X and the Doctor, White Bird to Swift, Citydweller and Jack Hawksmoor, Technocrat to the Engineer, Nicola Zeitgeist and Jenny Sparks.

The team would first appear in the X-Man series, specifically issue X-Man #71 - Fearful Symmetries Part 1 and appear in the following issue. Nicola Zeitgeist would appear in additional issues, and actually be revealed to have also been Sister Perpetua and Hassan, all three characters actually a woman named Idris.

Major Story Arcs

X-Man Nate Grey

Qabiri would not be the only dimension hopper to enter the Protectorates reality. Nate Grey also known as X-Man, would also arrive and seek to help the team after their two losses. Nate would be traveling with Sister Perpetua, and they would be brought up to speed by the remaining Protectorate members. hearing their stories the power Shaman Nate would search for Qabiri to get him to cease his path of destruction. Nate would employ his powerful telepathic abilities to learn of Qabiri's mad plans, but would be surprised when Qabiri would reveal that he had also read the mind of the powerful telepath. The two would engage in a massively destructible fight in the upper atmosphere of Earth. The energy outpouring sufficient enough that the Protectorate could observe the effects from ground level. Witnessing a streak of fire fall towards the Earth they would track its location and head there hoping to find Qabiri. Instead they would find X-Man's unconscious body. An ominous sign as Qabiri would engulf himself in his energy and fly directly into and through the Earth destroying it. All of the Protectorate except for Zeitgeist would perish, Zeitgeist, Nate Grey and Sister Perpetua the only survivors having dimension jumped.


January 2001

February 2001




