


Seven individuals come into contact with seven alien crystals that gave them their powers.



The Metahumes were created by Danny Fingeroth and Ron Lim in 1995 and first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man: Friends and Enemies # 1.

During an harrowing adventure the hero Darkhawk drops seven healing crystals from the planet Jormal (Darkhawk #47). Edward Wong (Assault), Barbara DeGiora (Blazeye), Alexander Pate (Hardnose), Denise Havens (Hyperia), Fiona Rivera (Makina), Carl Hollister (Diamond Hammer), and Elias Flynn all recieved powers from these crystals.

In Madison Square Park, five young adults (Edward Wong, Barbara DeGiora, Alexander Pate, Denise Havens, and Fiona Rivera) were hanging around in a crowd because of a rumor that the band Channel Surfers were gonna play a free show. When Denise notices a strange glow in the bushes, the group wanders in and discovers seven glowing crystals. As they picked up the crystals, two men (Carl Holster and Elias Flynn) were able to walk over and snatch two of the crystals after they earlier conned several men in a high stakes card game. As the group was began to protest the men, the crystals began to shimmer and glow. After the light show, the group parted ways after some them passed around contact info. Eventually Each of them began to display different powers. Al could create crystal spears. Barbara shot flames from her eyes. Ed gained telepathy. Fiona developed control over machinery. Denise let loose kinetic beams from her fingers. Carl can cover his body in a diamond like material. Finally it's discovered that Flynn has the power to control them (but seemingly not others), and he has plans to use them to unlock what power is held in the crystals. Elsewhere, Darkhawk has alerted fellow New Warriors Speedball and Nova to aid him in finding the crystals and newly appearing meta humans. They run into Spider-Man and he joins them in the search.

After Flynn has the Metahumes commit robbery he decides to try selling them and the crystals for a high price. The deal goes sour when Flynn's contact sends the armored muscle the Seekers in to take them out. The Metahumes make short work of the Seekers, but Spider-Man and the New Warriors come in to intervene. Flynn has the Metahumes attack the heroes to less success but Flynn's kids manage to get away by taking hostages. As the heroes vow to put a stop the Metahumes, across the city a group going by the Hostiles hatch they're own plans for the kids. The Hostiles make way to the Metahumes hideout and as the team enters they eviscerate Elias Flynn before he can go inside. As the Hostiles take the crystals from where Flynn stood, the Metahumes feel Flynn's hold fade. Before they can explore they're new free will, the Hostiles capture them and reveal that they have taken the teams loved ones hostage. As the Metahumes are taken away in a cloaked ship, Assault is able to mentally call out the group of heroes and send them to rescue they're loved ones, and Darkhawk tries to follow the Hostiles.

The heroes rescue the Metahumes's loved ones and Darkhawk sees the Hostiles's secret lab where they hold the Metahumes in tanks. Darkhawk and the other heroes attempt to break them out but are also captured. They are eventually able to break out, but as they fought one of the Hostiles tries to use the crystals. The crystals begin to transform the man into a large crystal beast and it absorbs the other Hostiles. Before it can absorb anyone else the heroes and the Metahumes are able to beat it into submission. As the beast falls it reverts to the members of the Hostiles. With the threat dealt with the Metahumes leave the heroes to think on their futures.


January 1995

February 1995

March 1995

April 1995




