


The Lilin were a group of demons that were the spawn of Lilith the Mother of Demons.

Rise of the Midnight Sons

 When Lilith escaped the Levathian's stomach, she prepared to start her quest for demons to rule the world.

With one of here Lilin, Pilgrim, they went out to seek other Lilin to join the fight. They would soon find a converted Creed, and the vicious arch enemy of Ghost Rider, Blackout who turned out to be Lilith's grandson.

The first Lilin attack started at Johnny Blaze's carnival where Blaze's family were threatened. During this conflict, Ghost Rider and Blaze defeated the Lilin the first fight leaving Creed dead. After the defeat, The Lilin went to NYC to find the other Lilins Fang and Nakota at the Limelight, and poison Morbius with Lilin blood.

They would later have the Lilin Doc in the mix after a meeting alliance with the Darkholders, and later reunite with the Deadliest Lilin known as Skinner.

Skinner proved a deadly match for Blaze but Skinner was defeated by both Blaze and Ghost Rider in the end.

Soon Lilith in desiges would make the Nightstalkers kill Ghost Rider and Blaze with the Lilin Meatmarket would join the mix and spy on the Nightstalkers to make sure they killed Ghost Rider and Blaze. Meatmarket was later spotted and was killed by both the Spirits of Vengeance and the Nightstalkers. Lilin grieved over Meatmarket's death.

Later on, The Lilin would go to Greenland where Meatmarket was brought back to life and where Lilith would bring out all of her demon children. The Lilin would then take the fight with the Midnight Sons. In the battle Lilith brought forth a Lilin version of Daniel Ketch, and Pilgrim open a void in Lilith's chest to bring forth the demons. In the battle, Meatmarket died due to a blow to the head by Victoria Montesi and a series of guns shots by Sam Bucanion, Morbius knocked out Doc and drained the blood of Fang, The Lilin Dan Ketch killed Pilgrim by cutting a void into Pilgrim's chest, Blackout was slained by Blade, and Lilith was jammed into her own stomach. After the battle, Nakota was the only survivor but was eaten by Lilith to survive.

The Missing Link

Months later the Lilin would return from the death after being eaten by Lilith and being reborn by the help of the Lilin Outcast. At this point they would join Centurious in a task to kill Ghost Rider and get the Medallion of Power.  Soon the Lilin Parasite would control the dead boy of Martine, Morbiuss ex-girl friend in order to free Bloodthirst.  The Lilin Short Circuit was also set loose but was killed by the Nightstalkers. The Lilin would later betray Centurious after the return of Zarathos. But they were defeated by the Spirits of Vengeance and sent to the Shadowside Dimension.

Siege of Darkness

The Lilin would escape the Shadowside Dimension in greater numbers and rage chaos with Zarathos on their side. This would be their most brutal attack known as the Siege of Darkness. During this time, the Lilin possessed Morbius(Bloodthirst) would kill Louise Hastings, Doctor Strange's mansion was destroyed, the Lilin Pixil tried to spree Lilin forces all over the electronic world, and most of all destroy the Midnight Sons and take over the world. They would soon be defeated by the Spirits of Vengence again by the magic of the Medallion of Power and both Lilith and all the Lilin were sent back to the Shadowside Dimension. Soon Zarathos and the Fallen would proceed during the Siege of Darkness.  Back in the Shadowside Dimension, the Lilin tried to escape it by using the cloth of Devil-Slayer but failed.

By the end of the Siege of Darkness, when Zarathos was killed, Lilith came to his remaining body saying that he will be avenged him with a who new brand of Lilin.

After the Siege

The only Lilin to not be trapped in the Shadowside Dimension were Sister Nil, Parasite, Bloodthirst, Skinner, and Blackout. Sister Nil would keep Doctor Strange company in another dimension but later would be watched by Doctor Strange back in the real world.  At this point she wanted to fit in with the human world.

 Parasite was killed by ex Fallen member Embyree  after escaping her host Martine when trying to attack Morbius.

Bloodthirst would be released from Morbius's body but was soon killed by Morbius after a fight in the hospital.

Skinner was at a facility called the Blackhole where he encountered Ghost Rider only to be defeated.

Blackout would meet with defeat at the hands of Ghost Rider who attached him to a building to burn in the painful sun.  But he would later come back and join forces with both The Hood's gang as well as joining the dark angel Zadkiel in his mission to stop Ghost Rider once again.


August 1992

September 1992

October 1992

November 1992

March 1993

May 1993

August 1993

September 1993

October 1993

November 1993

December 1993

January 1994








