


The Initiative team stationed in Philadelphia. It is led by the Revolutionary.


This team was made the official team of Pennsylvania as part of the 50-state Initiative. Most of the members in the team are names after heroes who served during World War II as the Invaders or the Liberty Legion.

Secret Invasion

There first mission as a team was to take down a team called Ultimatum and led by Flagsmasher. The team was easily able to take down Ultimatum. After the victory, the team went to celebrate as the team leader Revolutionary went to call HQ at Camp Hammond. After he leaves the rest of the group he is revealed to actually be an undercover Skrull. It is also revealed that he is contacting a Skrull that is also at Camp Hammond and that they have plans to infiltrate every team in the 50-state Initiative.

Fear Itself

Commander Steve Rogers inform Prodigy of the unknown meteors that have fallen from the heavens and mass panic is on the horizon. Rogers asks Prodigy to gather heroes on a volunteer basis to help keep the peace and lead a new Initiative where there is no forced conscription or registration. Prodigy agrees to become the leader of the new Initiative and most of the former Initiative teams gather in Washington DC including the Liberteens.

Current Roster

  • Miss America
  • Hope
  • Iceberg
  • 2-D
  • Blue Eagle
  • Whiz Kid


January 2008

December 2008

January 2009

July 2011

September 2011




