
Karnak Cowboys

Karnak Cowboys

A soldiers for hire operation that Marc Specter was a part of before he became Moon Knight

Karnak Cowboys


  • Marc Spector
  • Jean-Paul DuChamp
  • Dr. Robert Plesko
  • Layla El-Faouly


The Karnak Cowboys first appeared in Moon Knight (2021) #25 by Jed McKay in a flashback to Moon Knight's mercenary days before becoming Moon Knight, before he even started working with Bushman.

Major Story Arcs

Operation: Mongoose

Due to an unstable reputation in Egypt, SHIELD outsourced Operation: Mongoose to The Karnak Cowboys. They were tasked with procuring a scientist, named Dr. Christopher Bousquet, formerly of CIA's Cobra Project, a program exploring methods of mind control. Bousquet made a breakthrough in sonic mind control, and neither he or his research could end up in the wrong hands. The Karnak Cowboys cornered him in his hotel room after taking out his mind-controlled bodyguards.

They tased him and put him in the back of their car while trying to make a quick exit. However, on the outskirts of town, they were caught up with Bousquet's new employers, Hydra, following a tracker in Bousquet's tooth. Marc was able to extract the tooth and throw it from the car, but their tail was already in visual distance from their aircraft. They hovered over the car and magnetically harpooned it, allowing Hydra agent, Rutherford Winner, to grab Bousquet. With Bousquet no longer in the car, the aircraft open fired, leading to the death of team member and Marc's romantic partner, Layla El-Faouly.

With her death, the team went their separate ways with Marc eventually taking a job with Raoul Bushman.


September 2023



