


Global Reaction Agency for Mysterious Paranormal Activity


GRAMPA Blackjack
GRAMPA Blackjack

GRAMPA, or Global Reaction Agency for Mysterious Paranormal Activity, is an organization located on Earth, that deals with planetary wide threats to humanity, operating on a scale that includes superhuman, supernatural, alien and cosmic threats. Little is known about GRAMPA's power hierarchy, only that GRAMPA is overseen by the Director, and has many operatives with access to cutting edge technology, technologically advanced weaponry and gadgets, spy satellites, and detailed knowledge and schematics of a multitude of weapons and artifacts, and even replicas of such artifacts and weapons, including Cosmic Cubes, the Ultimate Nullifier, Serpent Crown, and the Infinity Gauntlet. These replicas do not possess any of the power of the sincere articles however. GRAMPA is also known for assisting various other superhero teams and agencies that promote and work towards making Earth a safe place for humans. The best known collaboration with a superhero team as so far would be the Hank Pym led Mighty Avengers team. Pym's Mighty Avengers team, consisting of Quicksilver, Hercules, Amadeus Cho, USAgent, Stature, Jocasta and Vision assisted in helping One Eyed Jacquie and Ace in battling a legendary giant sea creature Titan. In turn, GRAMPA sent agent Ban Luck to assist the Mighty Avengers in dealing with the former Inhumans King the Unspoken, who was terrorizing China, and presented a danger to the entire world. Both GRAMPA operative Ban Luck and Mighty Avengers team, witnessed the powerful Unspoken decimate members of the he People's Defense Force, a Chinese superhero team that had consisted of Collective Man, Radioactive Man, Most Perfect Hero, Princess of Clouds, the Ninth Immortal, Scientific Beast and Lady of Ten Suns. They team up in the aftermath to stop the Unspoken. Eventually GRAMPA became weary of the Mighty Avengers actions in the United States, so ceased the granted aid they had so far been giving.


GRAMPA is a Marvel comics organization created by Greg Pak, Takeshi Miyazawa, Dan Slott, and Pete Woods. The organization first appears in Amazing Fantasy #15 released in 2006.

The name GRAMPA and the organization's logo are affectionate homages to the 1960s television series The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Team Evolution

GRAMPA only has a few prominent members, and few story arcs, but as so far members include.

Ban Luck - Skilled, agile, GRAMPA's Chinese Operative and liaison. Often utilizes sharpened heart shaped throwing blades. She possesses enhanced agility and speed, and a fearless attitude to boot. Ace - Along with One Eyed Jacquie compose the due tag team of Blackjack. She often uses powerful weaponry to deadly effect. One Eyed Jacquie - Along with Ace compose the due tag team of Blackjack.


January 2006

June 2009

July 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

January 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010




