
Force of Nature

Force of Nature

The Force of Nature is an eco-terrorist group that is a part of Project: Earth. They often fought with the New Warriors. Currently the Oregon Initiative Team

Force of Nature


The Force of Nature first appear as a team when Project: Earth sends them to stop land developers from clearing sections of the rain forest. They come into conflict with the New Warriors when several members of the Project fake their own disappearances as a publicity stunt; among the missing members is actress Maddie Baldwin, mother of Warriors member Speedball, who asks for his teammates' help in locating her. The trail leads to the Amazon, where the subterfuge is revealed after the Force of Nature ambushes and captures the Warriors. Speedball pledges the Warriors' aid in an attempt to get close to his mother, but the heroes turn on the Force of Nature when it becomes clear that the villains intend to use lethal force in stopping the foresting crews. With the Force on the verge of defeat, Project: Earth abandons them to their fate after an aborted attempt to martyr Maddie Baldwin and blame the developers (foiled by Speedball). The Force of Nature is turned over to local authorities for incarceration.

However, Project: Earth later facilitates the Force of Nature's release and retains them as agents, despite the defection of Firewall to the Folding Circle. After recruiting the mercenary Firebrand as a replacement, Project: Earth sends the Force of Nature to deal with oil well fires in the war-torn nation of Trans-Sabal; when the Force of Nature deviates from their assignment and takes a side in Trans-Sabal's ongoing conflict, Project: Earth asks the New Warriors to pull the villains out of the country before their actions further damage the Project's reputation. The Warriors reluctantly agree and eventually succeed in the task (though not before being dragged into the conflict themselves), bringing the Force of Nature out for incarceration in the Vault.

While in the Vault, Aqueduct, Skybreaker, and Terraformer are part of a prisoner riot that rises out of requests for better inmate living conditions, denied by prison authorities on the basis of the greater security measures required to incarcerate superhuman criminals (for example, denying Terraformer "communion" with even a small houseplant, reasoning that Terraformer would use the plant in an escape attempt). The dispute is mediated by New Warriors member Justice (himself an inmate at the time for an accidental murder), who demonstrates good faith on the prisoners' part by allowing Terraformer access to a potted plant from the prison warden's office; Terraformer proceeds to simply "commune" with the plant, as requested. The warden agrees to the possibility of granting privileges to inmates on a case-by-case basis, according to each prisoner's individual behavior and needs.

The Force of Nature did not appear as a full team for some time following the Trans-Sabal incident, and most of the membership was shown returning to criminal activity. Aqueduct (who kept his new alias and costume after the Force of Nature separated) in particular was active as a member of the seventh incarnation of the Masters of Evil, and more recently as one of the villains recruited for government service by the Thunderbolts during Civil War Firewall/Silk Fever also appeared as a Thunderbolts recruit along with her Folding Circle teammates 

Dark Reign 
The three remaining founders of the Force of Nature are recruited with other super-criminals by Norman Osborn who is currently in charge of all matters regarding the SRA and, in a deal made with crime-lord The Hood, intends to replace many of the registered heroes operating under the Fifty State Initiative with super-villains who are willing to act as heroes while "enriching themselves in more...subtle ways than they're used to". With the addition of Initiative recruit (and former criminal) Sunstreak in place of Firewall, Force of Nature is revealed as the new Initiative team for the state of Oregon    


January 1991

February 1991

March 1991

November 1992

September 2009

November 2009

March 2010

January 2011





