
Fact Channel News

Fact Channel News

A news station.

The Fact Channel is a news channel in New York City.

Major Story Arcs

The Parker Luck

For more information see: The Amazing Spider-Man: The Parker Luck

Following Mayor Jameson's resignation, he was asked to come by The Fact Channel Studios. Thinking it was an interview, he went in on the defensive and said he would not apologize about anything he'd done as a mayor, however the reporter revealed they wanted to offer him a job because of his history with the Daily Bugle, so he accepted, saying that the media, finally justified his existence.

Sometime later, The Fact Channel opens an internship spot and, within an hour, Cindy Moon appeared to apply for the position.

Vote Loki

For more information see: Vote Loki

Loki goes on Jonah's show on, The Fact Channel after saving two of the presidential candidate from a Hydra assassination attempt. He teases Jonah with the possibility of running for President of the United States but his interview is cut short when Nisa Contreras calls in to accuse Loki of being the worst candidate imaginable and Loki vanishes from the set.

Later on, Election Day, Jonah and the rest of the Fact Channel staff watch as Loki loses the Presidential race.

Dead No More

For more information see: Dead No More

When the new biotech company calling itself New U Technologies appeared, it claimed it could resurrect the dead and cure any decease, Dr. Rita Clarkson met with J. Jonah Jameson and, to prove there was no limits to what New U could do, she introduced him to his reanimated wife, Dr. Marla Madison-Jameson. She then prompted her husband to use his position at the Fact Channel News to promote New U Technologies.

Jonah then traveled to San Francisco, where New U Headquarters was located, to see his beloved wife, but the New U ended up being a fraud, cloning its patients, instead of curing them. Things then went from bad to worse, as Doc Ock set off a signal emitting the frequency responsible for clone decay and piped it throughout the base, turning every clone into Carrions. Ben Reilly, who was secretly behind the company, decided to broadcast the decaying signal across the entire world, via Fact Channel News, causing an outbreak of the Carrion Virus globally.

After the dust settled and New U was defeated, Jonah was fired and so after Cindy Moon quit.


June 2014

August 2014

October 2014

November 2014

December 2014

April 2015

May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

August 2015

November 2015

January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

July 2016

August 2016

September 2016

October 2016

November 2016

December 2016

January 2017

February 2017

March 2017






