


Cyborg soldiers created by rogue Roxxon scientists, patterned after Deathlok. Rented out as mercenaries to various terrorist orginizations.


After Cybertek was dissolved, several of their scientists, including Ben Jacobs, Mainframe and Harlan Ryker, teamed up and used their knowledge and what was left of Cybertek's research to create the Cyberwarriors. These cyborg super-soldiers were based of off the Deathlok project, and the scientists planned to sell them to terrorist organizations like ULTIMATUM.

Unhappy that Ryker and his men were using Roxxon's proprietary technology, Clayton Burr cut a deal with Deathlok to destroy their operation. Deathlok acquired the assistance of the Wild Pack to complete the job.

Deathlok and the Wild Pack attacked the facility where the Cyberwarriors were being produces, but the overwhelming strength of the Cyberwarriors seemed overwhelming. Deathlok found a way to plug in and deactivate individual Cyberwarrior units, but when he did so, the consciousness of John Kelly, a deceased former inhabitant of the Deathlok shell, downloaded into the Cyberwarrior, becoming the cyborg Siege.

Cybertek was forced to retreat, with the fleeing Cyberwarriors causing massive property damage and killing innocent civilians.

The terrorist Genesis Coalition would later acquire a large number of Cyberwarriors. Silver Sable and her Wild Pack would undertake a mission to destroy them, working with Siege and independent contractor Stingray to help them infiltrate the Coalition's undersea base. The Coalition's enemies in HYDRA would also hire the mercenary group The Next Wave for the same task, and the Next Wave reluctantly teamed up with the Wild Pack.

Deathlok, Siege, and Coldblood would later capture Ryker, Jacobs, and Mainframe, and destroy most of the remaining Cyberwarriors, with Siege dedicating himself to hunting down the few still in the hands of terrorists.


April 1993

May 1993




