
Cosmic Commandos

Cosmic Commandos

They are a Super Alien force that works for the Charter based at the Hub.

Cosmic Commandos

The Cosmic Commandos are the security force that works for the Charter, a intergalactic organization that promotes peace. They travel with the Hub, a massive starship that carries the ambassadors of the Charter to new planets in order to recruit members. They are given their orders from the Charter's main location.
When all aboard the Hub were killed, it was advertised by the perpetrator himself, Quasar. Of course, this was a doctored confession and Quasar was not involved in the deaths. Regardless, the Cosmic Commandos were sent to detain Quasar and take him into custody. Quasar was naturally puzzled by their accusations and escaped them. 
Led by Morfex, the Commandos tried once again to capture Quasar, but this time he had allies in the Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill. They were trying to stop a massive asteroid known as the Planet Pulverizer from destroying Earth. Since it was their main mission parameter, Morfex ordered the squad to help preserve life on Earth over capturing Quasar. 
But Stenth was ordered otherwise (for the true murderer Lord Votan was secretly in charge of the Charter's security). He knocked Morfex out cold and jettisoned him into space to die. Morfex was saved by Xenith. They quit the squad after this and joined Quasar and the others to become the Star Masters. Together, they defeated the Cosmic Commandos. Quasar was eventually cleared of all charges.


December 1995

January 1996

February 1996




