
Three Blind Mice

Three Blind Mice

See how they run! The trio from the nursery rhyme.

Three Blind Mice
First issue:
Four Color (1942) #68 Mother Goose and Nursery Rhyme Comics

Other Versions


In the Homelands, the Three Blind Mice (known as Leland, Prescott, and Thaddeus), like many other Fables, found themselves on the run from the Adversary's troops. They ended up staying with a miscellaneous group of Fables led by King Cole who kid out in an old cave waiting for the evil troops to leave. King Cole always made sure that his subjects had food before him, leading to his near starvation. The other gathered Fables decided to sneak out of the cave and look for food, stumbling upon a farm house. The mouse brothers elected to be the spies in the house, which leads to the unfortunate incident where their tales were cut off with a carving knife. The small enclave were able to successfully leave the Homelands and migrate to the Mundane world, where the trio was moved out to the Farm.

In the pages of 'Fairest' the trio were elected to assist when mice-based humanoids struck against the Snow clan. During their assistance one of their number was killed and replaced by an impostor. This impostor later became stuck as a mouse and blinded.

Grimm Fairy Tales

The three blind mice are somewhat reimagined in Grimm Fairy Tales. They are used for an analogy of being careful who you trust and being blinded by greed. The three blind mice find that the old woman in their house is actually benevolent towards them and feeds them willingly, only to find out too late after they have gotten greedy from her charity that she was planning on feeding them to her snake once they had gotten fat enough.


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