
Team 1

Team 1

Team One was a team made of some of the characters that would go on to be members of Stormwatch and Wild C.A.T.S. The team was created by Lord Emp to combat the emerging Daemonite threat.

Team 1


In the 60's or 70's, a Daemonite named Helspont made his first documented move against humanity. Helspont tried to start a nuclear war between the most powerful nations on Earth in order to get humans to destroy themselves so the planet would be empty for the Daemonites. Lord Emp, a Kherubim, created Team One to combat Helspont and the villains he had gathered to help him. The team included Mr. Majestic, Regiment, Zealot, John Colt, Think Tank ( Henry Bendix), Slay and Isaiah King. Almost every member of the team would go on to be a major force in the Wildstorm Universe, but their first fight against Helspont was to be their last time working together.

Since Helspont wasn't acting alone, he was more dangerous than they had expected. Along with some Daemonites he had working for him, Helspont had also allied with a man that was known as Slaughterhouse Smith. Smith was a super powered human that could shoot lasers from his eyes and hands as well as fly. He ran a large gang that pretty much owned New York. Helspont thought he would be good to have working with him so he recruited him and his men (one of which would go on to become Pike, a member of Helspont's second The Cabal) to help him.

Slaughterhouse Smith knew that helping Helspont meant betraying his race and he was perfectly fine with it. He had never felt like he was part of the human race to begin with, so killing everyone to make way for the Helspont's Daemonites was not a problem. Helspont led Smith, his men and some Daemonites in an attack against a US missile base in order to get access to a nuke.

In less than half an hour they had complete control and Team One was sent to stop them. Before they showed up though, Helspont turned on Smith. He announced that he planned to launch the first missile at New York City, where Smith's family and only friends lived. Smith tried to stop him, but Helspont had control of his men so Smith could do nothing but stand there.

As Helspont got ready to launch the missile, Team 1 arrived and a fight ensued. Various Team 1 members paired up with named and unnamed villains on Helspont's side, but Helspont himself was locked in battle with Mr. Majestic. Helspont was winning and he launched the missile while he fought Majestic.

The destiny of the mission was unknown but eventually it was discovered. The team failed to stop the daemonites to launch the missil, but the sacrifice of Regiment who was attached to the missil saved incontable lives by dissarming the missil. However another sacrifice was the apparent death of John Colt at the hand of Majestic, when Colt was surrounded of daemonites warriors and urged to Majestic to kill them , but also killing Colt in the proccess. Colt survived, but his mind was left freamented and hurt and it was utilized by Miles Craven to usurp the throne of Kaizen Gamorra and put Colt in his place.

After the Team One incident, the team was disbanded, but the seeds of StormWatch was set up. Majestic went into isolation for decades, Baxter was lost and Bendix and King started to degrade mentally becoming villians in later years. The destiny of Mason is unknown. Helspont disappears for a while and wasn't seen for decades.


July 1995

August 1995

September 1995



