
The Hundred

The Hundred

Ghostly roman mentors of Moon Maiden.

The Hundred

The Hundred were a group of scholars and philosophers devoted to peace in ancient times, fled the growing corruption of the Roman Empire. Traveling to the moon using alchemical means of their own devising, they built a lunar shrine called the Lunar Villa and waited for humanity to be ready for their message of wisdom and understanding. They decided to bless a man on Earth with great powers and longevity to carry their message around the world and selected a young poet named Anteides. They beamed a portion of their alchemical power into a clearing where he prayed nightly. However the beam struck Valkus, a jealous rival of Anteides and member of Emperor Claudius' Praetorian guard, who had just murdered Anteides. Valkus used his new found abilities and longevity to become the Centurian, waging war across the years, seeking to become the ruler of the world.

To correct for this mistake, the Hundred decided to create a child they called the "Praemonstra Supra", meaning "She Who Will Point the Way', in nthe form of a baby girl. When the astronaut Hugh Klein from the Mission Apollo XXV reached the moon, Hugh discovered an ancient Roman temple with a baby girl inside.There the Hundred made themselves manifest and explained the situation. Hugh returned to Earth with the infant girl, and he and his wife Jenny, were allowed to adopt and raise the infant, whom they named Laura.

When Laura turned 16, she learned she could fly and control the gravitational pull of the moon on objects. Her parents explained Laura's origins to her, and she traveled to the temple on the moon where she was found, the spirits of the Hundred explained her origin and their purpose to them. At this point Laura embarked on her career as Laurel, the Moon Maiden.

In their last battle Centurian discovered the place of the Lunar Villa and destroyed the Hundred, causing the grief of Moon Maiden. This didn't stop her of sacrificing herself to stop her enemy.


October 2000



Disbanded in issues

